
The history of this shipyard, owner of a huge international prestige, dates back to over 140 years when in November 18, 1879, President Nicolas Avellaneda put into operation Talleres Navales de Marina for the maintenance of the navy´s ships.


The history of this shipyard, owner of a huge international prestige, dates back to over 140 years when in November 18, 1879, President Nicolas Avellaneda put into operation Talleres Navales de Marina for the maintenance of the navy´s ships.


In 1901 the first milestone occurs in the history of the shipyard when the fine tunning works of the ship ANTARCTIC – a Swedish expedition ship headed to the south pole- were made. Towards the end of 1910, an average of more than 100 vessels had been repaired annually in its docks.

In February 1922 the shipyard was renamed ARSENAL NAVAL BUENOS AIRES and in 1927 electric welding is incorporated to the services provided by the yard to its customers.

When the state´s merchant fleet was created in 1942, the shipyard had to prepare, repair and commission the former foreign vessels purchased for this purpose.


In 1971, due to the growing need for state merchant fleet, TANDANOR was reformulated under its current name, and was established as a company run by the Argentina Navy and the General Port Administration under the legal system of a corporation, with most of its capital owned by the state.

In 1973, the Navy incorporated the personnel and property of TARENA located in the South Dock of the City of Buenos Aires.

This lack of repair capacity, resulted in a considerable stinging between argentine flagged shipowners who were forced to repair outside the country, spending in foreign currency and sufferinga negative impact due to delivery times. This situation highlighted the need to enlarge the facilities. The Navy approved the project and in January 1978 the expansion planconstruction began.

A contract with ENGINEERING PEARLSON in Miami (USA) was signed. PEARLSON Director Mr. Raymond Pearlson was the inventor of the ship lift system Syncrolift. The system empowered the yard and expanded it´s capacity as ships were withdrew from the water and them transferred to any of the 6 driedock slipways for repair.



In 1990, through Decree 1957, the National Executive Branch ordered the sale of ONE HUNDRED PERCENT (100%) of the company’s shares through national and international public bidding, approved the relevant Basis and Conditions specifications, and reserved up to a maximum of TEN PERCENT (10%) of the share capital up for sale by the aforementioned bidding to be allocated to a Participatory Ownership Program. The Ministry of Defense of the Nation was designated as the implementing authority.

In 2007, through Decree 315, the company was re-nationalized, and the Ministry of Defense was instructed to take possession of 90% of the share package.

In 2009, one of the most important milestones in modern shipyard history began. The Argentine Navy and Tandanor signed the contract for the reconstruction and modernization of the icebreaker A.R.A. Almirante Irízar. (See ARA Almirante Irízar – TANDANOR)

In 2010, CINAR – Argentine Industrial and Naval Complex – was created when the Ministry of Defense ordered the unification of Tandanor and the shipyard Almirante Segundo Storni (formerly Domecq García).

In 2018, the shipyard increased the number of repairs and achieved its first positive balances after almost a decade.

In 2019, the Engineering and Construction Directorate was created with the objective of strengthening the shipyard’s construction capabilities.


TANDANOR has a strategic location in the port area of the City of Buenos Aires.

In the South Canal, on the estuary of the Río de La Plata, only access to the waterway formed by the Paraguay, Paraná rivers, on which hold ports suitable for operations with oceanic vessels.

North, and already on the Atlantic coast, lay the main ports of Brazil and south, the most important seaports -commercial and turísticos- of Patagonia Argentina.


CINAR is a company composed of 90% by the Federal Government and 10% by it`s workers, and operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Defense.



Eng. Tomás Etcheverry


Sr. Maximiliano Luis Vallejos


Eng. Nicolás Hanna Abdallah


Dra. Mariana Esmelian


Eng. Raúl Ramis​

Management and Production Control goals

Our main goal is to offer our customers quality, reliability and compliance of the delivery date by using the highest technology in the naval industry and excellent financial management. We’ve become an example in shipbuilding and metallurgical industry in Argentina. We are known for our seriousness, our flexibility towards customers, our financial strength and our technology.

Our commitment towards the future of this company is reflected in our projects, trying to get our goals aligned with achieved results.

Our work is based on indicator analysis that allows us to obtain objective and reliable information relevant to each sector and thus anticipate different situations. Strategic Planning is designed so that educated decisions can be made by the Board of Directors. Relying on honesty, responsibility, teamwork and innovation, we are ready to face new challenges just as we did it with the Icebreaker ARA Almirante Irizar, a unique icebreaker. By focusing on logistics, we found a competitive advantage improving the process of acquisition and delivery of products and services. This can only be achieved with the strength, commitment, responsibility and professionalism of our human capital that continuously work to meet our customers needs and requirements.


In CINAR we understand that service quality is a customer right and this has led us to the adoption of a management model, certified according to ISO 9001: 2008 by Bureau Veritas Quality International. 

Thus, all of our production processes are developed in the framework of standards and best practices, both national and international, achieving a high competitive level with our price – quality.

Our Quality Management certifications conform to ISO 9000 (ISO 9001: 2008)

Today we have Bureau Veritas certification for design services, development,modification, repair, maintenance and conservation and preservation services for the shipping  and general construction for heavy metallurgy. Design, development and fabrication ofunder pressure equipments, tanks, piping systems, heavymedium and light metal structures, including high complexity (such as oven, separators, compression banks, heaters, heat exchangers, sinks, filters and pumping equipment) and bendingpipe service for the following industries: oil, petrochemical, gas, mining and energy.